Basics of Emergency medicine course
2015-08-12 00:00:00
تعلن لجنة التعليم الطبي المستمر بالنقابة العامة للأطباء عن تنظيم
Basics of Emergency medicine course
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 نوفمبر 2015
من الساعة 9ص: 1ظ
بالنقابة العامة للأطباء
Basics of Emergency medicine course
If you want to begin your career on a strong base and if you are interested in gaining knowledge
This is a medical course concentrating on the main emergency cases seen in the emergency department
Target group : house officers who begin their first step in the medical life
Duration : 12 lectures 4 hours each twice weekly
Lecturers : dr. Mohammed Shehab-Eldeen the assistant manager of Kasr Alainy emergency hospital
dr. Ameer Hamdy emergency medicine and critical care specialist EBEM
Topics :
a- introduction
1- triage
2- discharge , referral & documentation
3- breaking bad news
4- infection control in E.D
5-patient transfer
6-liaising with the ambulance crew
7-medicolegal aspects:(inappropriate attenders,avoiding troubles,violence…)
b- Life threatening emergencies
1- anaphylaxis
2- management of cardiac arrest
3- shock
4-the unconscious patient
c- Medical emergencies
1- basics of ECG interpretion
2- acute coronary syndrome
3- life thereatening tachy & brady arrhythmias
4- hypertensive emergencies
5- ABG interpretion
6- pulmonary edema
7- acute severe asthma & pneumonia
8- spontaneous pneumothorax
9- DVT & PE
10- upper & lower G.I bleeding
11- subarachnoid haemorrhage
12- unconsciousness
13- stroke & TIA
14- status epilepticus
15- diabetic emergencies
16- hyperkalemia
17- types of IV fluids
18- blood products & precautions of blood transfusion
d- Toxicological emergencies
1- basic management of poisoning
2- toxidromes
e- Management of septic patient
f- Environmental emergencies
1- heat illness
2- hypothermia
g- local anaesthesia dosage & toxicity
h- Trauma
1- primary survey
2- chest , abd, pelvis , head , neck , spinal trauma
3- burns
5-house hold accidents
6-road traffic accidents
7-road and car safety
8-at the road side
9-what to carry in your car
10-major incident
11-blast injuries
12-bullistics (bullet injuries,types of bullets and missiles…)
13-management of gun shots
14- compound fractures
i-special topics
1-management emergencies with minimal tools
2- tetanus prophylaxis
3- bites & puncture wounds
4- Ottawa knee , ankle & foot rules
5- acute abdomen
6- urine retention & renal colic
7- newsicular torsion
8- abscesses
9-sports medicine
10-research of hydration,safety for volunteers working in hostile environment
j- practical procedures
cannulation , ABG sampling , wound suturing , urethral catheterization , nasogastric tube , airway adjuncats
قيمة الاشتراك : 300ج
العدد محدود والحجز مسبقا
يحصل المتدرب على شهادة معتمدة من النقابة العامة للنقابة
بشرط الحصول على كارنيه الأمتياز للنقابة العامة للأطباء
الاستعلام والتسجيل : الدور الثالث-- -لجنه التعليم الطبي المستمر
42 ش القصر العيني- القاهرة - نقابة أطباء مصز (دار الحكمة)
ت: 27963685 – 01000903406 - 01001676455
واتس اب : 01023780672 - 01023791701
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